Monday, August 16, 2010


Life's GPS

All my life I've not really enjoyed children.  Well, I shouldn't put it that way.  What I should say is that, for me, to spend time with the majority of children was less pleasant than say, a dental appointment (now, I've never had a cavity, but still). When I was a teenager, I actively created convenient excuses for why I was unavailable to baby sit.  When I was in college, for a while my part time job was as a caretaker for my young cousin (I was the least enthusiastic of the many sitters my aunt and uncle employed), but college is different. Books are expensive! 

I've had a long time to view the world with children from a bit of an outsider's view.  After my wedding, and my friends' weddings, when they started having children, I noticed that the only industry in the US that seems to have a more profitable grasp around our proverbial throats than the wedding industry is the baby industry.  I couldn't believe some of the things my girlfriends were thrilled to unwrap at their baby showers.  For the life of me, could not understand why two towels that looked *exactly* the same were labeled, and priced, differently as either burping cloths or receiving blankets....... or how we survived as a species before there were baby wipe warmers.  For. the. car.

And, now I find myself here.  Phew. Well, we'll just have to see how this goes.

1 comment:

  1. You can do what I did and miss my baby shower! ;) No fake ohhhing and ahhhing needed! Poor Erik just had to keep drinking beer and opening presents. Maybe Jack could follow in his footsteps and the shower could be for him!
