Friday, October 22, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting

If you're not old enough to remember this movie, stop reading now because I might be about to start complaining about your peer group......

I've already talked about the young guy in the OB department who is more cheerful than smart, but as it turns out, he's got some friends.  They work the front desk, 'work' being used liberally in this case, and some of them join him in getting the rooms/patients ready for the doctor.  At my last appointment, the room tech was making small talk with me when she asked if we knew the sex of the baby.  'Yes, its a boy' I replied, to which she exclaimed "That's amazing!".  Unable to stop myself, I reminded her that it really wasn't that amazing, since we had only two possibilities going in.  I mean, suprising sure, but amazing?  If I'm giving you news that you clearly didn't expect, then I'd think you might be entitled to go with 'Amazing'...... but if you work in this department, you've probably heard both answers before.

Upon the conclusion of my appointment, the Doc told me to make an appointment for four weeks from now at the desk before I left.  Dutifully, I walk up to the desk and wait while the techs discuss different stereo speaker options.  Finally, one notices that I'm standing there and asks me what I need.  An appointment, I tell her.  "Why?" she asks me.  "Because Dr. told me to make one for four weeks from now", I reply.  "No, I meant, why, like what for?" says the tech, clearly trying to win her Brownie badge for customer service.  "What am I supposed to put as the reason for the appointment?"  There is some obvious confusion here, and we talk through the fact that the Dr. told me to come back in four weeks.  "Well, but Why?".  Really

Now, forgive me.  This may seem obvious to me, but you work in the OB department.  All the women here are pregnant, myself included.  We are all taking orders from the doctor, which we then pass on to you. I assure you, I am not trying to create a secret, stealth appointment for a pedicure.  And yet, you ask 'Why?'....

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