Sunday, January 2, 2011

As the clock strikes 12.....

OK So, as soon as that third trimester showed up I have really started to feel like Cinderella's carriage at the stroke of 12..... yep, I am turning into a pumpkin all right.

First to go? Ankles. of course, it didn't help that I had been flying but I looked down one morning and found me some cankles. And damn, are they ugly! Disconcerting, too, especially when you are used to some sort of shape to your lower leg (other than that of a Pringles container, that is). So what to do? Suck down plenty of water, which will make you realize that your bladder is shrinking daily, but at least it will give you some definition back.

Just in time to go shopping for some comfy shoes. I had to go shopping for supportive, comfortable shoes. I also wanted some with some style, so that took a while..... luckily I had my new best friend with me.

That would be Tums. Tums are my new best friend... since on the stroke of ten my less-good friend Reflux decided to come for an extended visit. Tums and Reflux spend so much time talking with each other they forget you are in the room, and in this case it is quite lovely to be ignored. It's been a couple weeks now, so I am sad to admit that I have some flavors that I like more than others.

The pregnancy pillow is another one of my good friends, since I have a whole new appreciation for what it means to have a comfortable night's sleep. This really big, really ugly thing is the only thing standing between me and insomnia most nights.

Not to mention my growing resemblance to a pumpkin.... and I really am not so pleased with the deal that fairy godmother talked me into. Now, if it had just come with some housecleaning mice......

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather - Just found your blog and laughed for quite a while!! You might have lost your ankles but your wit has stuck around and is in full form! Hope the last part of your odd-body-distortions-disease (otherwise known as pregnancy) goes quickly.
    Take care, Karen Gaouette
